Ritual Baths - Be your own Healer
My first Ritual Bath was like receiving a sacrament. Rituals are a big part in my life and I always knew the importance of connecting with the sacred using the tools I feel the most.
The therapeutic benefits of Ritual Baths have been used for centuries all around the world. We already know about the healing power of water and what we experience goes beyond body relaxation. Water, herbs, and gemstones enhance soul transformation and If you are called into ritual baths be ready to experience amazing shifts! A ritual bath is not a regular bath. Ritual Baths with their mix of herbs, oils and gemstones can help you channel your creativity and activate powerful insights, establish and strengthen boundaries, or even heal from deep, psychic pain. Songs, mantras, prayers and pranayama are all integrated to bring up all the bath's healing properties.
Take it slow when you decide to use this practice, take time to tune in and ask yourself:
What's my intention?
What do I wish to create o release?
The intention we use is key.
Choose your herbs and gems carefully as they will enhance the energy for you to create. Each of them holds different meanings and powers.
When taking your bath consider the current phase of the moon. We can feel so grounded by connecting with nature through our baths and aligning ourselves with the moon. The full moon is a great time for reflections, releasing and revelations, while the New Moon is a great time for setting intentions and creating.
How to create sacred space? If it's time for your ritual, create a safe space, smudge and cleanse the room. Create your altar with all the elements related to what you are calling in. Place 4 smoky quarts in each corner for protection. Honour the land you stand in, call in the spirit of the herbs and flowers you are going to use to bring their gifts and insights. Call in the spirit of the land, your spirit guides, angels, ancestors beings of light for guidance and protection. Dim the light, put on your favorite music and soak for at least 20 minutes. Visualise what you wish to create or release in detail, and hold on to sensations of love and joy.
When you finish remember to keep hydrated, sip a nice cup of herbal tea and stay in the loving energy you created for as long as you like.
If you are enjoying my blog please remember to follow @HealingArts.uk for tailored ritual oils and sprays, healing, 1:1 consultation, healing and workshops. Subscribe to our email list for new products launch, events, workshops and energy updates!
Love & Light,
Moana x